Still ECU15CLinde MT15
Sort of traction wheel | direct drive traction wheel |
Type of direct drive traction wheel | direct drive type 2 |
Diameter of the wheel (mm) | 199.5 |
Width of the wheel (mm) | 103.5 |
Diameter of the rim (mm) | 165 |
Width of the rim (mm) | 103.5 |
Shaft diameter (mm) | 97 |
Thickness of the flange (mm) | 10 |
Material of the wheel (grouped) | polyurethane |
Wheel material detail | PU (EU) miękki do mokrych podłóg, cichszy i zmniejszający wibracje, zamiennik do gumowych NM (udźwig 70% w porównaniu do standardu PU) |
Shape of the tread | cylindrical |
Wheel profile | smooth |
Material of the rim | steel |
Diameter of the smallest inner rim (mm) | 100 |
Diameter of the second smallest inner rim (mm) | 101.1 |
Height of the smallest inner rim (mm) | 18 |
Height of the second smallest inner rim (mm) | 20 |
Groove for seal ring present | TAK |
Cam present | NIE |
Pitch circle diameter (mm) | 160 |
Centre distance of the bolt holes (mm) | 35 |
Number of threaded holes (TA1smaller thanTA2smaller thanTA3) | 12 |
Type of thread | M5 |
Rim and tyre | TAK |
One side is closed | NIE |