Contact fuse Linde 7915395637

Contact fuse Linde 7915395637

Product code:98014
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Net price: €56.22
Gross price: €56.22

Wyłącznik bezpieczeństwa / Emergency switch

Linde 7915395637

Current (Amp) 150
Maximum voltage (V) 48
Knob present YES/NO NIE
Auxilliary switch EX-CO, YES/NO NIE
Blow out present BL-OU, YES/NO NIE
Lockable with key LO-KE, YES/NO NIE
Max. Length frontal side Z1 (mm) 62
Max. length side side Z2 (mm) 46
Total height in OFF-position H1 (mm) 77
Total height in ON-position H2 (mm) 85
Quantity of connections QTY-CO 2
Contacts configuration Single pole
Dust cover DUS-COV, YES/NO NIE
Side of polarity, if blow out present N/A
With textured tips YES/NO NIE
Enclosed cover YES/NO NIE

139 L12/16R
140 T20R
141 P30/50
141 T20AP
141 T20/30
141 L12L/L12LP
141 L16AS
144 T20S/T20SF
144 L12LS/L20LS
372 L14/16
372 L14/16/L14AP/16AP
379 L10/12-L10/12AS

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